Our Mission


At Field of Change Healing Arts, our mission is to facilitate core healing, integration, and spiritual self discovery. We inspire loving relationships through self love and forgiveness. We encourage living in radiant health through harmony with nature.

To accomplish this we use:

Following our intuitive guidance, we aim to empower individuals in discerning and following their own intuitive guidance, which is always loving, intelligent and very practical.

Learn more about our mission and values

Art work by William Spektyr Laskarski




A warm welcome to Field of Change Healing Arts, and thanks for visiting this website. We are here to serve you in your life’s highest  and happiest unfolding.  Whatever may be your current situation or condition, we bring to you compassionate listening, our quiet minds, and our open hearts. Please check out our services. May your journey be blessed with peace, true happiness, and abundance! 


My gifts are unique and my skills eclectic. As a facilitator of healing, I hold you in very high regard. I'm certain we are all in this together, and really grateful to be an ally on your journey!

The gifts I bring are Expansion, Aspiration, Initiative and Intuition. I assist people in feeling great about themselves and simplifying their life to embrace what is truly meaningful for them.

Lifelong Learning Partners

Our relationship is at the core or our lives as healers. Over 23 years of marriage, we discovered the way we essentially are together is the blueprint for all other relationships. Although each connection is unique, the vibration of love that we share generalizes and transfers to those we meet. We have found relationship to be a very fast track of spiritual growth. We continue to be polished and softened in order to be of greater service. In the process, love heals all wounds and awakens our hearts to greater joy. We have immense gratitude for each other and each day is an entirely new and fun adventure in love. 

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Photos taken by the talented  Karolina Zapolska